Crafty Saturday

Since it looked like this outside.....
Ice covered all the buds on the trees, weighing them down

the plans to get the landscape edging and raised beds done had to be postponed. So since we were stuck inside the house I worked on some crafty projects.

First, I finished pillows for the new loveseat in the master. I have made tons of pillows before but these were the first ones I made to fit a pillow form. That way if they get dirty we can take them off and toss them in the laundry or if I want something different I can easily change them. I still need to finish the cover for the neck roll that will be in between the pillows.


The fabric on the front was on clearance for three bucks yard a local store and the back fabric I had left over from drapes at our old house.

Hopefully after the roads clear and we can finish getting curtains rods and such so we can post pics of our entire master bedroom redo.

My other crafty project involved a knitting loom I found at Wal-Mart on Friday. I have previously tried to teach myself to knit and failed miserably. I had all these grand visions of knitting beautiful things while watching TV. Even with Knitting for Dummies all I succeeded with was getting frustrated. So when I saw this loom I thought that for 5 bucks I could give it a try. Here is what I accomplished in a 2 hours (while watching TV) today.....

It's not the prettiest scarf, but what did I expect when I bought less than pretty yarn for a dollar to practice with? I can't wait to get nice chunky yarn and try it again. Here is the link to the loom. I would do a whole how-to but it is right there on the site. I am so excited and guess what everyone is getting for Christmas next year? You might want to request a color now.....

Before/After- The Workout Room


Landscaping = $$$