Four Years of Wedded Bliss

Today is the big 4 year anniversary. It is hard to believe that we have already been married four years. In some ways wedding planning was so much fun, but I am glad all the stress is long over. Then I was too busy searching for flower and centerpiece inspiration pics that that I did not have time to worry about house ones.

Every year Derek gets me something off the anniversary list which is a really sweet tradition. This year appliances are on the modern list and flowers are on the traditional list. Since we just bought a new washer and dryer two weeks ago I have a feeling a new fridge will not be waiting for me today. Derek is still trying to convince me that a TV is considered an appliance. Oh are nice too. We probably won't do anything spectacular tonight to celebrate since it is Thursday but hopefully this weekend we will do something fun. Our other anniversary tradition is watching the wedding video together so that can be squeezed in tonight. Since we are reliving the day and I cannot upload the whole video (I know you are sad about that) here are some pictures to share of our big day 4 years ago. (all photos from Nordmann Photography)


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Hellooo Summer